How to stop apple from browning in school lunches!

Are you tired of sending an apple into school in the lunchbox only to see it coming home again - uneaten? Or it might have a tiny nibble taken out of it?

There are lots of reasons why your child might be struggling to eat a whole apple in school:

  • children find it hard to bite into an apple with their small mouths

  • girls in particular may find it messy to eat a full apple

  • they may not have enough time to eat a full apple

But … we want our child to eat their apple as we know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away right? Research shows that when we offer chopped fruit as opposed to whole fruit, people (including kids) are more likely to eat it.

Perfect - so we’ll chop their apple. But of course, an apple will go brown once the air hits it and your child might still refuse to eat it.

Here’s how to keep your chopped apple from going brown;

  • 🍏 chop your apple into slices or pieces

  • 🍏 pop in a bowl and cover with water

  • 🍏 add a couple of pinches of salt and let sit for a couple of minutes

  • 🍏 rinse thoroughly and pat dry

  • 🍏 pop into the lunchbox and off you go!

I promise this works as I’ve done it many times myself! Will you give it a go?